Covid 19

Coronavirus-19 Statement

News, both true and false, about Coronavirus 19 (COVID-19) has spread as rapidly as the fear, uncertainty and panic surrounding each new case. I personally, have read some outrageous things. Some from people seeking to capitalize on the hysteria and others from people who are simply poorly informed.

As your dentist, I want to make sure you have easy access to good information. The following links to trusted sources, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have valid, current and useful information: 

In addition, I offer you the following additional pieces of advice to help prevent the spread of the virus:

  • Refrain from fist and elbow bumps in addition to avoiding shaking hands and hugging.  Please consider using words alone to greet and express gratitude to one another. Fist and elbow bumps are not the as sanitary as might be thought (as people are being encouraged to sneeze into their sleeves and people are still by force of habit sneezing into their hands).
  • Make sure to check the label of the hand sanitizer you use to ensure there is at least a 60% alcohol content. Many have less than 60%.

COVID-19 Pandemic Safety Precautions

We care about you, your oral health AND your safety. This is what we’re doing to protect you, in addition to our routine infection control procedures.

COVID-19 Protocol

Covid Protocol

Our new look with protective gear

Covid Protocol

Please reschedule if anyone in your household has been sick in the last two weeks

Covid Protocol

Please fill out your new patient forms online

Covid Protocol

Call us when you arrive and wait in your car

Covid Protocol

We will ask some screening questions relating to COVID-19

Covid Protocol

We will take your temperature before you enter the office

Covid Protocol

Please wear a mask before you enter the office

Covid Protocol

Please use hand sanitizer when you enter the office

Covid Protocol

Maintain 6 feet of social distance whenever possible.


Employee Health

  • Covid-19 screening will be done for each employee everyday.
  • Temperature monitoring will be done twice daily for each employee.
  • Sick Policy – if our employees exhibit signs or symptoms of a respiratory infection or other communicable illness, they are required to leave or not report to work for 14 days or until their physician clears them to return to work in writing.
  • Social Distancing and Personal Protective Equipment, as appropriate, is required.

Patient Health

  • Whenever possible, we ask that you be prepared to come into the office for your appointments unaccompanied.
  • Pre-Office Entry Screening Questions
    You must call the office, preferably from your car, before attempting to enter our office as you will need to
    answer a series of COVID-19 screening questions before you will be welcomed into our office:

Depending upon your answers, we will either:

  1. ask you to stay in your car and call your physician or the Alameda County Health Department to inquire about an appointment for COVID-19 testing or
  2. remind you of the treatment you are scheduled to receive and your payment due. If there are any questions or concerns, we will answer them at that time. We will collect payment over the phone so you will not have to interact with the business staff prior to or after treatment except by phone.

When you come to our office door we will appreciate your cooperation with the following as we:

  • Meet you at the door with a new mask and new gloves on.
  • Take your temperature with a touchless InfraRed Thermometer. If your temperature is:

(I) over 100 degrees F or more, we will ask you to return to your car and we will reschedule your visit by telephone 14 days or more in the future.
(II) less than 100 degrees Fahrenheit we will welcome you into our office.

  • Ask you to apply hand sanitizer to your hands or wear gloves. We will provide hand sanitizer unless you prefer to use your own.
  • Hand you a disposable surgical mask and ask them to wear it whenever you are not being treated.
  • Bypass the reception area and escort you directly to your treatment room.
  • Ask you to rinse with a viricidal mouth rinse (Colgate Peroxyl) prior to your procedure to reduce the viral load of the aerosol produced during your procedure.
  • Wear high filtration N-95 or KN-95 masks, face shields and possibly hair caps during treatment.
  • Observe social distancing when outside the treatment room and ask you to do the same.
people wearing mask


Effective June 1, 2020

  • Touchless trash cans have been added to all non-clinical patient areas of the office.
  • All magazines and pamphlets have been removed from the reception area. Instead, Wi-Fi for your mobile devices is available.
  • A sneeze guard has been installed at the front desk.
  • Reception door handles – inside and outside, chairs, tables and front office countertop are being disinfected every hour, on the half hour with BioSurf ®an effective, environmentally friendly, EPA registered hospital grade disinfectant.
  • Honeywell HPA200 HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) air filters have been placed in each dental suite. They filter and circulate air in a 310 sq. ft. room up to 5 times per hour and will capture up to 99.97% of airborne particles as small as 0.3 microns, including viruses. The COVID-19 virus is approximately 0.125 Micron or 125 nanometers in diameter. (Source: National Library of Medicine) however, it travels in biological droplets which range in size from 0.5-3 Microns so these droplets should be captured.
  • Isolite® Continuous suction devices will be used whenever possible to reduce the amount of aerosol produced by dental procedures.

I hope this information has highlighted just how much we care about you and your safety. We remain committed to helping you maintain your oral health AND safety. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.

Yours in Health,
Sharon L. Albright, D.D.S

Coronavirus-19 Statement

News, both true and false, about Coronavirus 19 (COVID-19) has spread as rapidly as the fear, uncertainty and panic surrounding each new case. I personally, have read some outrageous things. Some from people seeking to capitalize on the hysteria and others from people who are simply poorly informed.

As your dentist, I want to make sure you have easy access to good information. The following links to trusted sources, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have valid, current and useful information: 

In addition, I offer you the following additional pieces of advice to help prevent the spread of the virus:

  • Refrain from fist and elbow bumps in addition to avoiding shaking hands and hugging.  Please consider using words alone to greet and express gratitude to one another. Fist and elbow bumps are not the as sanitary as might be thought (as people are being encouraged to sneeze into their sleeves and people are still by force of habit sneezing into their hands).
  • Make sure to check the label of the hand sanitizer you use to ensure there is at least a 60% alcohol content. Many have less than 60%.

COVID-19 Pandemic Safety Precautions

We care about you, your oral health AND your safety. This is what we’re doing to protect you, in addition to our routine infection control procedures.

COVID-19 Protocol

Covid Protocol

Our new look with protective gear

Covid Protocol

Please reschedule if anyone in your household has been sick in the last two weeks

Covid Protocol

Please fill out your new patient forms online

Covid Protocol

Call us when you arrive and wait in your car

Covid Protocol

We will ask some screening questions relating to COVID-19

Covid Protocol

We will take your temperature before you enter the office

Covid Protocol

Please wear a mask before you enter the office

Covid Protocol

Please use hand sanitizer when you enter the office

Covid Protocol

Maintain 6 feet of social distance whenever possible.


Employee Health

  • Covid-19 screening will be done for each employee everyday.
  • Temperature monitoring will be done twice daily for each employee.
  • Sick Policy – if our employees exhibit signs or symptoms of a respiratory infection or other communicable illness, they are required to leave or not report to work for 14 days or until their physician clears them to return to work in writing.
  • Social Distancing and Personal Protective Equipment, as appropriate, is required.

Patient Health

  • Whenever possible, we ask that you be prepared to come into the office for your appointments unaccompanied.
  • Pre-Office Entry Screening Questions
    You must call the office, preferably from your car, before attempting to enter our office as you will need to
    answer a series of COVID-19 screening questions before you will be welcomed into our office:

Depending upon your answers, we will either:

  1. ask you to stay in your car and call your physician or the Alameda County Health Department to inquire about an appointment for COVID-19 testing or
  2. remind you of the treatment you are scheduled to receive and your payment due. If there are any questions or concerns, we will answer them at that time. We will collect payment over the phone so you will not have to interact with the business staff prior to or after treatment except by phone.

When you come to our office door we will appreciate your cooperation with the following as we:

  • Meet you at the door with a new mask and new gloves on.
  • Take your temperature with a touchless InfraRed Thermometer. If your temperature is:

(I) over 100 degrees F or more, we will ask you to return to your car and we will reschedule your visit by telephone 14 days or more in the future.
(II) less than 100 degrees Fahrenheit we will welcome you into our office.

  • Ask you to apply hand sanitizer to your hands or wear gloves. We will provide hand sanitizer unless you prefer to use your own.
  • Hand you a disposable surgical mask and ask them to wear it whenever you are not being treated.
  • Bypass the reception area and escort you directly to your treatment room.
  • Ask you to rinse with a viricidal mouth rinse (Colgate Peroxyl) prior to your procedure to reduce the viral load of the aerosol produced during your procedure.
  • Wear high filtration N-95 or KN-95 masks, face shields and possibly hair caps during treatment.
  • Observe social distancing when outside the treatment room and ask you to do the same.
people wearing mask


Effective June 1, 2020

  • Touchless trash cans have been added to all non-clinical patient areas of the office.
  • All magazines and pamphlets have been removed from the reception area. Instead, Wi-Fi for your mobile devices is available.
  • A sneeze guard has been installed at the front desk.
  • Reception door handles – inside and outside, chairs, tables and front office countertop are being disinfected every hour, on the half hour with BioSurf ®an effective, environmentally friendly, EPA registered hospital grade disinfectant.
  • Honeywell HPA200 HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) air filters have been placed in each dental suite. They filter and circulate air in a 310 sq. ft. room up to 5 times per hour and will capture up to 99.97% of airborne particles as small as 0.3 microns, including viruses. The COVID-19 virus is approximately 0.125 Micron or 125 nanometers in diameter. (Source: National Library of Medicine) however, it travels in biological droplets which range in size from 0.5-3 Microns so these droplets should be captured.
  • Isolite® Continuous suction devices will be used whenever possible to reduce the amount of aerosol produced by dental procedures.

I hope this information has highlighted just how much we care about you and your safety. We remain committed to helping you maintain your oral health AND safety. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.

Yours in Health,
Sharon L. Albright, D.D.S

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